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Konsultasi Pribadi

Sekarang Anda dapat mendaftar untuk konsultasi pribadi dengan Nastya – salah satu pencipta OILAND dan ahli aromaterapi bersertifikat – untuk menanyakan pertanyaan tentang kondisi kulit, kesejahteraan umum, dan bagaimana semuanya berhubungan dengan semua sistem tubuh.

Konsultasi dengan rekan pencipta OILAND kami dan seorang Aromathe...
Konsultasi dengan Natasya
Natasya adalah:

Jiwa dan tangan OiLand. Semua dana, mulai dari resep resep hingga tetes terakhir, dibuat oleh Nastya dengan tangan di pulau ajaib Bali.

Nastya senantiasa mempelajari, memelihara, dan memperbaharui ilmu, memiliki ijazah:

  • Institut Studi Integratif
  • Terapi kraniosakral level 1. Bali
  • Akademi Terapi Kraniosakral
  • Akademi minyak esensial, Florida
  • Pusat Studi Nutrisi T. Colin Campbell
  • Sekolah Studi Aromatik (bekas institut studi Aromatik New York)
Jika Kamu di Bali
Buat Janji Temu & Temui Natasya di Lab kami
Showroom dan alamat Laboratorium:
Jl. Anak Agung Gede Rai No.33,
Lodtunduh, KecamatanUbud,
Kabupaten Gianyar, Bal
Konsultasi Pribadi Online
Sekarang Anda dapat mendaftar untuk konsultasi pribadi dengan Nastya - salah satu pencipta OILAND dan ahli aromaterapi bersertifikat - untuk menanyakan pertanyaan tentang kondisi kulit, kesejahteraan umum, dan bagaimana semuanya berhubungan dengan semua sistem tubuh.
WhatsApp - Zoom - Email - Telegram
(kami dapat mengatur sesi konsultasi menggunakan aplikasi yang Anda pilih)
Konsultasi dengan co-creator OILAND kami dan seorang Aromatherapi...
Konsultasi dengan co-creator OILAND kami dan seorang Aromatherapi...
Consultation with our co-creator of OILAND and a Certified Aromat...
Ketersediaan Konsultasi
(Online or Offline)

The Consultation can be Online using application that you preference or Offline at our Office showroom (also our Laboratory in Bali).

  • Duration of Consultation: 1 hour (per session)
  • Availability Days for a consultation: Tuesday and Thursday
  • Availability Time: 9:00 to 12:00 Moscow time (or from 12:00 to 15:00 Bali time)
What will you get as a result:
(Online or Offline)
  • An integrated approach to resolving the issue, answers to your questions
  • Recommendations for nutrition or supplements, if necessary
  • Recommendations for the choice of OILAND products ⠀

When contacting, it is very important to correctly compose a request – think about what worries you, what questions are of interest, if necessary – write them down.

For example, if you are worried about rashes that never go away, together we will try to get to the bottom of their cause in order to understand how to work with them from different angles – care, nutrition, recovery, anti-stress therapy, and so on.

Bagaimana menjadwalkan Janji

Konsultasi online atau Offline

Jadwalkan dan Konfimasi
(Online or Offline)

Book a Consultation Appointment:

  • Choose which Service Consultation : The consultation can be offline if you’re in Bali Area, or choose consultation online using application that mostly comfortable to use by you.
  • Pick the correct time: on our Booking Appointment page will request you to fill in the information of duration for the consultation that you need, the date for the consultation appointment that you prefer and time for consultation
  • Book an Appointment: when you complete fill in all the data required on the page booking appointment, button “Book an Appointment” will active and can be clicked to add your booking to the cart system.
  • Checkout & Payment: Booking an appointment service will have the same process checkout and payment system on our store.

Konfirmasi Penunjukan Konsultasi:

  • Payment Success : The consultation service  will confirmed by our fairy maximum 1×24 hours after payment process successful
  • Auto Cancellation a Booking: our system booking will cancel a booking automatic if on 3 days before the scheduled time of appointment day, the payment succession process can’t be confirmed by our platform.
  • Request cancel a Booking Appointment: cancellation can be request by user that already do the success payment minimum 3 days before the scheduled appointment of consultation and will need to paid some amount fee of cancellation.
  • Others Terms & Conditions for Booking an appointment service will emailed by our Fairies.
Oiland Kategori Produk

Oiland Seni dari Perawatan Kulit dan Aromaterapi

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